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Frequently Asked Questions

Is there an official Discord or subreddit for SIGNALIS?
There is NO official rose-engine or SIGNALIS discord, reddit or wiki. What you read on these platforms is fanmade and fan-interpreted. We encourage you to verify for yourself if something stated somewhere is actually like this in the game, or was actually said by rose-engine.

Can I stream or create SIGNALIS videos? And is it okay if I monetise them?
Yes, rose-engine hereby grants a free license to game owners and press to use SIGNALIS in the creation, publishing or streaming of original media content, including reviews, gameplay videos and Let’s Plays. rose-engine also grants a free license to content creators to monetise these works, whether through advertising, stream donations, or otherwise.
rose-engine does not grant this license for content that is illegal, obscene, disrespectful or inciting hate.

Can I sell SIGNALIS merchandise?
We love seeing people create fanart of SIGNALIS, and generally permit fan-artists to sell their own works based on SIGNALIS as long as it's in small batches or one-offs.

However, for legal reasons, we cannot give permission to sell items that use any assets from the game or official marketing materials, even if edited or traced. This includes character art, typography, textures, meshes and sprites from the game created by us here at rose-engine.

We do not allow the sale of fan artwork by anyone other than the artist (that means even if you commissioned artwork you can’t sell it). We don't allow crowdfunding campaigns related to SIGNALIS, or the sale of merchandise on mass distribution sites such as Redbubble and Amazon.

We kindly ask fan-artists not to use any characters, designs or assets from the game in any manner that's illegal, obscene, disrespectful or inciting hate, or for any commercial or political uses.

We also don’t allow the use of the rose-engine logo or the SIGNALIS logo, though we make exceptions for the SIGNALIS logo if it’s included in a self made artwork, please contact us when in doubt.

Is there official SIGNALIS merch?
Our official partner for SIGNALIS merch is Fangamer. You can find their SIGNALIS collections in their US and EU stores. The SIGNALIS OST vinyl is published by Very Ok Vinyl. There are also physical editions for Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4.

Can I make a fan game set in the world of SIGNALIS?
For legal reasons, we cannot allow fans to release fan-games set in the world of SIGNALIS, even if released for free.
Personally, we strongly advise against making fan-games in general. Making a game is a lot of work, and you should strive to own your own work and not have it be at the whim of an IP holder.

Are there any internships, paid positions or work-experience opportunities open at rose-engine?
Currently not, sorry! If an opening does come up, we’ll let everyone know on our website and on social media.

Are you looking for freelancers such as voice actors, composers, sound designers for your next game?
Currently not, sorry! If an opening does come up, we’ll let everyone know on our website and on social media.

How can I contact rose-engine for interviews, questions etc?
Please understand that rose-engine are just two people. We often do not have the time and energy to answer interview requests.
If you are a journalist, please send us your questions via email to, we do not do voice or video interviews and we cannot promise to answer every request, sorry.
We sadly cannot answer questions for university papers, school assignments etc., sorry.

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